- Conduction is the direct heat flow through a material with the one there is physical contact.
- The heat transfer by conduction is caused by molecular movement.
- The molecules transfer their energy to adjacent molecules and increase their temperature.

- In buildings is the heat transfer caused by hot air movement.
- In certain area of a building, warm air elevates and cold air seats to create a convection ring.
- Convection can also be caused mechanically and it is called forced convection, by a fan or wind.

- Is the transfer of heat (infra-red radiant energy) from a hot surface to a cold one through air or vacuum spaces.
- All surfaces including a radiator, a kitchen, a ceiling or a roof , and even regular insulation radiate to different degrees. Radiant heat is invisible and has no temperature, just energy.
- When this energy bangs against other surface, it is absorbed and increases its temperature.
- Sun radiation bangs external surfaces of walls and roofs and it is absorbed which makes that surface warm.
- This heat flows from an external wall to an internal through conduction and then radiates again, through air spaces in the building, to other surfaces inside the building.

The key to maintaining a comfortable temperature in a building to reduce heat transfer to the outside in the winterand reduce heat transfer in the summer season.

- Gives a much more comfortable, productive and habitable structure
- Also, in buildings with insulation installed correctly the effects of condensation caused by humidity and air movement are reduced. This achieves maintenance costs to be lower and an increase in the longetivity of the building structure.
- Reduces the demand of energy, making the electricity bills lower.
- Supports the economical and environmental goals of energy savings.

During the winter season, lost heat has to be replaced with a heating system; and during summer, the gained heat has to be eliminated by a cooling system.
Statistics show that somewhere between 50 and 70% of the energy used in an average american and canadian house is due to the heating and cooling systems. It makes sense then to use a thermal insulation to reduce that energetic usage, at the same time it increases comfort and saves you money, doesn´t it?

Absorption is the main mechanism through the one the mass insulation reaches its results, but when it saturates increases the permeability or the flow of temperature through its compositition, resulting with its thermal efectivity.

- Prodex has very low emissivity values ¨E values¨ (typically 0.03 compared to 0.90 for the majority of insulators) that is why it significantly reduces the radiation thermic transfer.
- Prodex has no significant mass to absorbe to retain temperatures, its aluminum foil is what gives the real insulation property.
- Prodex has the lowest humidity transfer and absorption values in most of the cases.
- Prodex catches air with its aluminum and polyethylene layers, been the opposite than what mass insulations do, due to the fact that they use glass fiber, foam particles or shredder paper.
- Prodex does not irritate skin, eyes or throat, and contains no evaporating substances.

The thermal performance change due to compression, or humidity absorption, which is a common concern when you use mass insulations, constitutes NO problem when using PRODEX Reflective Thermal Insulation.

The key to maintaining a comfortable temperature in a building to reduce heat transfer at the station out lde winter and reduce heat transfer in the summer season.

Prodex has a reflective surface with low emisivity that intercepts the radiant energy flow to the construction component or from it.

A radiant system specifies that the reflectant material is in front of an opened air space. The idea is for the radiant barrier that is in front of a closed air space to be a reflective insulation with a mesurable R value.

- AD Product (Aluminium + Aluminum) has elemental 12 micra aluminum incorporated in both faces, resistant to direct flame and capable of managinghigh temperatures, which fusion point reaches 650ºC.
- The design of this product with aluminium in both faces plus side seals (thermally weldered) avoid direct contact with fire and foam, been a material with a very low fire spread, that in case of a fire acts like a REAL BARRIER AGAINST FIRE.

- Water absorption 1.2% v/v IRAM 1582-Impermeable according to rule DIR UEA tc. Permeable to vapor water 0.033 gr/m2 hkP-ASTM E 96-IRAM 1735.
- Made with MOBIL material (Código Iga-105) and a flame retardant part of the AMPASET CORP. (Code Iga 11371).
- This product has an elemental 99.15% pure aluminum foil of 12 micras incorporated to both faces, coted with polyethilene, to achieve the adherence of aluminuim to the foam through the heat process including side seals, so the foam is not exposed.