Viernes, 1 de julio de 2011
Estimado Sergio:
Registramos con profunda complacencia, admiración y cariño, el merecido reconocimiento que la Asociación Internacional de Fabricantes Reflectivos otorgó a su empresa, PRODEX, al distinguirla con el premio "RIMA INTERNACIONAL 2010" como "La Mejor Empresa en innovación y eficiencia energética¨ .
En nombre de la empresa Plycem , de sus directivos, empleados y en especial del área comercial y el mío propio, reciba nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones por el otorgamiento de este importante galardón que enorgullece y llena de una inmensa emoción a quienes contamos con el honor, de sostener con su organización, lazos entrañables de tipo comercial y de amistad.
Hacemos extensivas nuestras felicitaciones a su familia, asociados y colaboradores y deseamos de todo corazón que el Todopoderoso continúe iluminando exitosamente la senda de sus negocios otorgando a sus líderes la sabiduría, dinamismo y entusiasmo que hoy los caracteriza.
Saludos Cordiales,
Alejandro Barona Restrepo
Director Comercial
The Plycem Company
P. O Box 1642-7050. Cartago-Costa Rica
Central Telefónica:506) 2575-4300
Teléfono Directo:(506) 2575-4307
Celular:(506) 8703-1151
Fax:(506) 2553-2580
Estimado Francisco Soto:
Agradeceria sea el portador de mis más sinceras felicitaciones a PRODEX por el premio recibido a la Innovacion y Eficiencia Energética, otorgado por Its About Saving Energy, instandolos a que este tipo de estímulos, motiven a la empresa a continuar hacia la excelencia empresarial.
Saludos Cordiales,
Alejandro Hernández Fuentes
JBS United
Jueves, 23 de junio de 2011
Buenas tardes. Un saludo y una felicitación para nuestro Fiscal Suplente, Francisco Soto; extensiva a la empresa PRODEX por el merecido reconocimiento con este proyecto ejecutado en una granja avícola.
Saludos Cordiales
William Cardoza
España, Jueves, 23 de junio de 2011
Estimado Cliente,
Nos complace informarles que nuestro producto estrella PRODEX ha sido galardonado por segundo año consecutivo el reconocimiento internacional “
It’s About Saving Energy” , otorgado por RIMA, Asociación Internacional de Fabricantes de Aislantes Reflectivos.
Prodex está presente en España desde 2003 y cuenta con más de 1 millón de metros cuadrados instalados.
Desde Innco Products SL queremos agradecer a nuestros clientes su confianza y felicitar a Prodex por su buen caminar y desear que sigan avanzando por su trayectoria exitosa.
Empresa tica recibe premio a la innovación y eficiencia energética
Prodex exporta el 80% de su producción a Centroamérica y Estados Unidos
Andrea Rodríguez Valverde
empresa costarricense Prodex , recibió por
segundo año consecutivo el reconocimiento internacional por la innovación y la eficiencia energética.
El premio, “Its About Saving Energy” 2010, es otorgado por la Asociación Internacional de Fabricantes de Aislantes Reflectivos (RIMA, por sus siglas en inglés).
El galardón fue obtenido en reconocimiento al desarrollo, producción e instalación de cortinas de aislamiento térmico reflectivo en el techo de una granja avícola en el Coyol de Alajuela, para noviembre del 2009.
Sergio Luconi, director de Negocios de Prodex, explicó para un comunicado, que con este producto se logró mejorar la rentabilidad de la granja y reducir la mortalidad avícola en la misma.
Con la tecnología empleada por Prodex se ha comprobado el ahorro de hasta un 70% en el consumo de gas . Además de lograr mantener una temperatura estable de 32°c y 38°c , favoreciendo la producción animal”, agregó Luconi.
Prodex es una empresa de capital nacional, con una presencia de más de 15 años en el país.
Los productos de aislamiento de calor y frío en cualquier tipo de edificación, son su carta de presentación.
Josep Maria Alberton
Pol. Ind. de Constantí
Avda. Les Puntes, 4-1ª
43120-CONSTANTÍ (Tarragona)
T/ 977 525 514
F/ 977 525 594
M/ 636 341 542
San José, Costa Rica, 30 de mayo de 2011
Estimado don Eduardo,
Espero que esté bien.
Hoy que llovió, comprobamos que ya finalmente no se metió el agua.
Agradezco mucho su colaboración para que este trabajo pudiera realizarse y quedara bien, así como a Don Pablo, y a los muchachos que vinieron a trabajar a mi casa, quienes demostraron todos mucho profesionalismo, educación y buen trato al cliente.
Saludos cordiales,
Victor Cambronero.
San Jose, Costa Rica24 de febrero de 2011
Estimados Sergio,Fabrizio,Silvia:
Hoy recibí la visita de los inspectores de Dos Pinos y obtuvimos la mejor nota (120 puntos) en el la parte agroambiental y un gran porcentaje de esa nota se debe al sistema de cortinas Prodex que nos da las ventajas que todos conocemos (menor humedad en las camas, economía del agua, producción de abono orgánico).
La verdad han quedado muy impresionados con los resultados.
Erick Lonnis Bolaños
Epson Costa Rica
De parte de don Carlos Ugalde, Gerente General de Epson Costa Rica, le agradecemos la entrega de los 200m2 de aislante térmico AD3 de dos caras de aluminio sin costo alguno para nosotros.
Hoy estamos procediendo con la instalación del mismo y tengan plena seguridad que recomendaremos sus productos a todas aquellas personas que nos visiten y vean el nuevo material colocado.
Muchas gracias de nuevo.
Saludos cordiales,
Erick Solano
Gerente de Operaciones
Costa Rica, Ecuador, Nicaragua y Panamá.
Teléfono: (506) 2210-9580 | Fax: (506) 2210-9590
E-mail: erick_solano@epson.co.cr
Web: www.epson.com
IMW Etapas 2 y 3
Principalmente las medidas, ya que al ser más largo se cubre más rápido el área y hay
menos desperdicio de material.
También les gusta la propuesta del rollo con medida específica solicitada por el cliente,
les parece genial.
Por el tema costo-beneficio (por las medidas del rollo q están muy buenas y se pueden
aprovechar más).
Le parece importante que sea un producto de calidad optima y certificada.
Producto Utilizado: AP5
Metros instalados: Etapa 2 (14.849.73 m2) Etapa 3 (12.033.44m2)
Ing. Zulka Sánchez.
Célular n°: 00507-6618-4533
Proyecto Turístico de OCU
Temperatura porque aísla bastante y verdaderamente el calor que usualmente hace.
Acabado de madera da mucha elegancia y sofisticación al proyecto.
Instalación no es complicada es sencilla y rápida.
Es buen producto; de hecho ya lo recomendé a un amigo y está esperando que
le entreguen el material solamente.
Temperatura Inicial: 35°.
Temperatura Final: 31°.
Producto Utilizado: Prodex Roustic.
Metros instalados: 10 rollos de material.
Israel Campos.
Cel: 6674-9575
Managua, Nicaragua
Por este medio, hago constar que hace dos años, se efectuo trabajo de colocar aislante, de marca PRODEX en bodega de azúcar de 6000 metros cuadrados del parque industrial San Antonio, propiedad de Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, localizado en el KM 13, carrtera nueva Leon.
Los resultados obtenidos hasta el dia de hoy, han sido satisfactorios, bajando la temperatura aproximadamente 6 grados centígrados, manteniendo nuestro producto en condiciones optimas.
Extendiendo la presente, a solicitud de parte interesada, en la ciuidad de Managua, al primer dia del mes de Marzo, del año dos mil diez.
Lic. Hector Morales Zamora
Jefe de Almacen Managua
Telefono Oficina: 22699505
Celular: 88638319
Managua, 05 de Abril del 2010.
El suscrito Gerente General abt+arq. arquitectos S.A. Por este medio hacer constar que se ha usado y especificado el aislante térmico PRODEX en distintos proyectos tanto habitacionales, turísticos e industriales previa asistencia técnica del asesor.
El material PRODEX ha reducido los niveles de temperatura en todos los ambientes donde fue aplicado hasta en 5° (Centrígrados).
Por lo cual abt+arq. arquitectos S.A. está satisfecho con dicho producto ya que cumple con los requerimientos solicitados por los proyectos.
Extendiéndose la presente a solicitud de parte interesada y sin mas a que referir.
Alejandro Bermúdez T.
abt+arq. arquitectos S.A.
San José, 19 de marzo de 2010
Estimados señores PRODEX,
Nuestra empresa Grupo El Guadalupano, dedicada a la comercialización de productos y materiales para ferretería y construcción, nos complace poder distribuir los diferentes tipos de aislante térmico marca PRODEX, estamos muy satisfechos con el apoyo promocional de ventas y de la calidad de dichos productos, además de la constante innovación de parte de la empresa fabricante para dar soluciones a nuestros clientes en las diferentes ramas de obra civil.
Agradeciendo de antemano el continuar con la excelente relación comercial, se despide,
Yandel Vargas
Jefe del Departamento de Compras
El Guadalupano S.A
Santa Ana, 26 de marzo del 2010.
La industria electrónica fue uno de los sectores más golpeados por la crisis global, la cual nos llevó a buscar maneras de subsistir en los mercados internacionales. Para lograr mantenernos vivos en el mercado nuestra compañía inició una serie de proyectos de reducción de costos.
Parte de estas iniciativas de ahorros nos llevó a buscar nuevas alternativas de empaque para nuestros swiches, la cual nos llevó hasta PRODEX con los cuales desarrollamos una nueva espuma troquelada para el empaque de uno de nuestros productos.
Este empaque alternativo nos permitió reducir costos operativos y al mismo tiempo mejoramos tanto el rendimiento de unidades empacadas como la protección de nuestro producto. Esta nueva lámina de espuma es de muy fácil manejo en nuestro proceso de empaque ya que está hecha a nuestra medida y además, muy fácil de almacenar; sumado a esto, hemos recibido todo el soporte necesario por parte del personal de PRODEX para que la implementación fuera todo un éxito.
Es muy satisfactorio encontrar alternativas como la que PRODEX nos ofreció para ese proyecto y ver como nuestros clientes han aumentado su satisfacción con el nuevo empaque, esperamos a futuro seguir desarrollando nuevas alternativas de empaque beneficiosas para nuestra industria.
Se despide.
Adrián Solís Solís.
Manufacturing Engineer Senior.
C&K, Coative S.A, Costa Rica.
Cartago, Costa Rica, 1 Marzo del 2010.
Luego de experimentar constantes deterioros de nuestro producto debido al transporte, nuestra empresa decidió buscar una solución a estos problemas para reducir los gastos por ese concepto. Producto de la investigación, encontramos la espuma de polietileno que produce PRODEX como la mejor solución para proteger nuestros productos sean transportados si deterioros y que nuestros clientes reciban sus productos con la calidad que esperan de nosotros y por la cual pagaron. Debido a las características mismas de la espuma, esta absorbe muy bien los impactos pues al ser OXO Biodegradable es un producto que en un lapso de tiempo se degrada sin contaminar. Este material es versátil y es de fácil manejo y tiene la ventaja de que puede ser termosoldado. Esto permite que con piezas genéricas que compremos, podamos utilizarlas adecuadamente en varios de nuestros productos con solo unir una o más piezas fácilmente. Además, de ser necesario, PRODEX nos ofrece el servicio de maquilado de las piezas terminadas. Claro está que todo este desarrollo se ha logrado de la mano con las personas que se encargan de darnos el soporte técnico necesario para lograr nuestro objetivo.
Alexis Madrigal Gamboa.
Jefe de Ingeniería y Desarrollo de Productos
GWW Internacional S.A
Por este medio, hago constar que hace dos años, se efectuó trabajo de colocar aislante, de la marca PRODEX en Bodega de azíucar de 6000 mts2 del Parque Industrial San Antonio, propiedad de Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited, localizado en el Km.13, carretera nueva a León.
Los resultados obtenidos hasta el día de hoy, han sido satisfactorios, bajando la temperatura en aproximadamente 6°, manteniendo nuestro producto en condiciones óptimas.
Extiendo la presente, a solicitud de parte interesada, en la ciudad de Managua, al primer día del mes de Marzo, del año dos mil diez.
Lic. Héctor Morales Zamora.
Jefe de Almacén/ Managua.
Nicaragua Sugar Estates Limited
Bill_Atchison: Sunday, January 24, 2010
Hello from Canada! We have a 98 year old house that we are tearing all the paster and lathe out of. We were surprised when we tore the first room down, that there was NO existing insullation ever put in this house. There were just 2 layers of bricks, with studs set into the inside layer. With so little room to work with, we went online and found your product. We have now completed the second room and are beginning to gut the third. AMAZING - that's how we feel about your product. The incredible difference in going between the completed rooms and the rooms not yet torn down, well, if we wouldn't have experienced it we never would have believed it. Just put another order in to complete the remaining 6 rooms. I think we're going to be a repeat customer for years to come, and have told lots of friends about your product!
Enviado el: mié 28/10/2009
Para: Federico Pacheco
De parte de Grupo Progreso reciban una calurosa felicitacion por tan merecido premio.
Federico Pacheco.
Abonos Agro
September, 17th 2009.
We have completed our evaluation of suppliers that have furnished us goods and service.
The evaluation process is intended to enhance communication between MedTech Costa Rica and our Suppliers.
If you delivered to our facility from 09/01/2008 to 08/31/2009, your rating for the current period is attached, if you have any questions or comments; please feel free to contact us.
Scoring details can be found on page 2 of this report.
Thanks you for your support.
Paula Guillen
Material Manager
MedTech, Costa Rica S.A
Anna Jansen
QA Jansen
MedTech, Costa Rica S.A
De: David Saravi
Enviado el: lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009 10:56 p.m.
Para: Sergio Luconi
Asunto: RE: Sergio Luconi
Estimado Sergio:
Es un gusto hacerles el contacto. Uds han demostrado ser un excelente proveedor, muy serio, con un gran apoyo a su distribuidor y con profesionales de primer nivel.
Cuenta con el apoyo y desde ya les auguro muchos éxitos en territorio azteca.
Saludos cordiales.
Dwayne Gardner: Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I live in East Texas. I ordered Prodex total for use in my metal building. I put a double layer on the ceiling and noticed a differences in temperature immediately. I am planning on doing the walls also but haven't decided how I want to do that yet with or without fiberglass between layers. This product is thicker than I expected, and was shipped very fast. Thank you for a great product, great price and fast shipping.
Jimmy Trout: Monday, August 17, 2009
We have had the contractor install the Prodex on our roof and even over the screen porch on our new construction little cottage in the mountains. We are very happy with it. We already “feel” it will make a big difference in energy savings. I ordered a sample to show some builder friends.
Larry Bash: Friday, August 14, 2009
The four rolls I put up of Prodex is amazing. Your advertising is right on.
Jim Masdon: Thursday, August 13, 2009
Rating: We build our roof completely on the floor, the pick them up and set them, thereby eliminating any 'acrobatics' up in the air. The best advise I can give anyone, is to do all the work and preparation that you can while the parts are still easiest to work with --- on the floor, rather than trying to complete their work under stained conditions, later. Pull the foil and hand tighten it, and do not use any fasteners that are not absolutely necessary, thereby eliminating any extra places for water to come in, giving a good water protection barrier.
Susan: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Just wanted to let you know your product, FfmF, that I purchased last year, works absolutely SUPERIOR. I will have more projects next year, and will definitely be ordering more product from you.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
After much research and t/w contractors, 2 yrs ago I purchased 2,800 square foot of Prodex Total Insullation install on my house I was re-siding. What initially sold me was, I had a tellemarketer from a Cedar Rapids company call to ask if I needed a price quote on Windows and siding. When the salesman showed up, I'd already started installing my new Anderson windows, and he asked what I had him come for. I said to pick his brain. I wanted to know what "the best house wrap" on the market was. I'd heard all good things about Tyvek, but if there was something better I wanted to use it. He said you are in luck. I've been a salesman for years, and recently went to a seminar, we have a new product we are using on all our projects where the homeowner wants a superior product. What he showed me was a perforated foil backed polystyrene insulation board sample. He explained the value of the foil to RADIATE heat, the product will pay for itself in 1 or 2 seasons. I asked if I could buy it from them. He said no, it's for our customers only. That's when I went to the internet and found you. I hesitated at spending .30/sq foot vs. .15 for Tyvek, but am I ever glad I did. The 1st thing I noticed when applying it was I had Dark brown T1-11 siding which I went over top of. I left the corner by the gas meter as it was (had to wait for them to move it), but wrapped the rest of the house. The next day, it was 98. I felt the T1-11, siding must have been 120 in the direct sunlight. I then touched the Prodex, it felt cool. Then I ran my hand behind the Prodex above my gas meter, that siding felt like A/C was cooling it, 20 degrees cooler. When I finished the entire house, I noticed on 98-100 days our upstairs bedrooms stay 20 degrees cooler. When I was siding my house, I had a friend ask me what the H____ is that tin foil stuff. I told him all about it, and helped him order 8 rolls do do his house and his dads. We are all 100% satisfied.
THANKS PRODEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bayliner185: Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tim Wright, Oelwein IA Ran out of space on review just submitted. I also wanted to let prospective customers know that I'm so happy w/the product, I've purchased more to do a rental house I own. My neighbor told a friend of his about Prodex Total Insullation, and he decided to purchase it instead of Tyvek. I had a partial role left from my last project, and only needed about 1 more role. My friend said his friend thought he'd have some left and may be interested in selling it to me. Well no luck w/that, he hired a contractor to install the Prodex and his new siding. The contractor liked it so much he took what was left. So I just placed another order. You have very little scrap. You can use nearly 100% of the role, just may takes a little more tape to piece together sections you cut off from gable ends. But Prodex is generous with their 6 pack tape packages, I had plenty. Being conservative, I hated to throw any Prodex away. I even used some to line a 5 gallon pail and lid for fishing. I put my nite crawler container in the bucket on some Ice, they stay cold all day fishin in the beating hot sun, and I even have Ice to dump out at the end of the day. Get creative, this stuff is too good to throw any scrap away. There are countless other things you can use your leftover Prodex for. If you are reading this as you are researching what to use for house wrap or building insullation........you can stop your research. No need to look any further. Place your order today and start saving on utilities. You will not regret it. THANKS PRODEX
ILJA MARAN: Tuesday, August 11, 2009
1st time I used Prodex. The 1300 sq.feet attic was 36" High at the highest point. The framers were off by up to 1"spacing the rafters. 48" width didn't make it some places. The attic became cooler as I progressed with job. Big difference, I loved it. The leftovers I'll use for my cars and for camping. I am recommending Prodex to everybody I know. Easy to cut, to shape, to install. No itching fiber. That attic would be hard to insulate with standard 6"glass fiber. I am glad I found you.
Sbhministry: Monday, August 10, 2009
We ordered the rolls of insulation earlier this year for use in our ministry in Mexico. How pleased we are with how cool the upstairs of the vo-tech school is! We have been suffering from over 100 degree days for weeks and even without windows in the second floor, it is still cool. You can see its use on youtube. Just type in sbhministry in the search box and there are four videos of the second floor construction. I think in movie 1 your company is mentioned when the insulation is being installed. Thank you for a fine product and a good price. In His service, Bonnie Tompkins Serve & Build Hope Ministry "...let your light shine..." Matt. 5:16 http://sbhministry.faithsite.com
Pastor Matt Moser: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We have used some of your prodex insulation before and were extremely satisfied with it. We have used some of your prodex insulation before and were extremely satisfied with it.
Danny Skellett: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Number one when I have order Prodex Total Insulation from your company on line it has arrived in excellent condition and in a timely matter, both please me as a costumer very much. My house was cheaply built in 1972 using 2" x 4" stud construction. I purchase the house in 1991. Since I have owned the house we have slowly remodeled. In the meantime our utility bill was always high. We started to look at energy saving ways to insulate our home as well as install energy saving appliances. Last year I took a close look at the energy saving act and local building requirements for new built homes. Everything I got information on state 2" x 6" stud construction with updated insulating R values. Started in the attic. I had inefficient attic insulation. I knew my outside walls were not efficient. So I started looking into different ways to insulate the house and when searching on line I came across your product. My initial goal was to maximize insulating the house the most efficient and easiest way. I liked the insulating R values your Prodex Total stated. I installed the Prodex Total to the bottom of my roof rafters, keeping the air flow in mind, then I laid new rolled insulation over the ceiling rafters. My attic had initially an insulating R value of R-13. With installing Prodex Total and R-38 rolled attic insulation, I figured I now have insulating R value of R-65.5 for up loss and an insulating R value of R-58.5 for down loss. Huge difference to the comfort of the home. The addition of your Prodex Total to my attic allowed me to bring my 2" x 4" stud constructed house attic insulating R value to match and exceed 2" x 6" stud constructed insulating R values. The $250.00 was well spent and I am receiving my money back through lower utility bills. Now we ready to put new vinyl siding on the exterior of our home. Goal to increase the insulating R value of our exterior walls from 2" x 4" stud construction to 2" x 6" stud construction without major reconstruction cost. Getting it done efficiently and cheaply, as well as, minimize labor. Again Prodex Total is the answer. Our exterior walls started with R-13 rolled insulation with R1.5 black felt board with aluminum siding as a outer cover. Giving a exterior insulating R value of R-14.5. The goal was to reach R-19 or better. I ordered more rolls of Prodex Total and received them today. We are going to remove all original aluminum siding and black felt board and replace any damaged or sagging R-13 rolled insulation. Then install Prodex Total over the studs. Then install 3/4" x 2" firring strips over the stud locations and cover this with 3/4" insulation foam board. Then install 1/2" OSB board for an otter covering. Instead of plastic house wrap as a wind barrier to the outer layer we are using heavy duty tar paper as a wind barrier and then install the vinyl siding. Yes we are re-insulating the windows and doors to block the wind. To my calculations with this install process we will take our original insulating R value from R-14.5 to a value of R-25 far exceeding the R-19 for 2" x 6" stud wall construction. My calculation to reach an insulating R value of R-25 was R-13 rolled insulation + R-8.5 for Prodex Total for vertical application + R-3 for insulating foam board + R-0.5 for outer covering. Bringing a Total of R-25. Again the use of Prodex Total will be the difference.
Jill Trainor: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hi. I just wanted to say thank you. I received my insulation (foil-foam-foil) yesterday and it’s already installed. It only took me a couple hours to complete by myself. It was so easy to work with. I installed it in my chicken coop in the ceiling. I can’t wait to see how it does when we get some low temperatures. I have been using a panel heater on the wall and the heat just rises right up and out through the roof. Hopefully this will help keep some of that heat in. The other benefit is how the light coming in the windows is reflected back into the barn. The foil really brightened it up in there. So I thank you and my chickens thank you. P.S. Your insulation was recommended by another chicken mother. She installed your foam-bubble-foam insulation in her coop 2 years ago and is very happy with the performance. A specific concern for chicken coops is to keep down excess moisture and mold. She has had no problem with moisture since installing the insulation.
Chris Erb: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The snows are starting to arrive in Taos and I'm so glad to have ordered your product. What a Difference! The yurt stays warm & cozy in the cold and cool in the summer heat.
David W.: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I am the Warehouse Manager for Schlossadler Wines, Inc. We are an international boutique wine distributor with a 9,300 sq. ft. warehouse in Oceanside, CA. Approximately one month ago the owner of the company (my boss) came to me with the task of researching, ordering, and installing insulation for the ceiling of the entire building by myself. With limited experience in this particular area under my belt, I accepted the project anyway. I honestly didn't even know where to start. I sent detailed photos along with our information and questions to your sales team. They replied promptly with very easy instructions and recommendations as to "what type" and "how much" product should be ordered to complete our mission. Now, one month and about 200 hours later, my boss is extremely happy, our stock is cool, and I've received a very generous bonus!! Thanks Insulation4Less, I will definitely spread around the words: "foil-foam-foil!"
Christopher Malik: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Placed a couple of orders for your Prodex reflective insulation for a home project I am working on. I find the material very easy to work with and just what I was looking for to cover and the fiberglass insulation installed, act as an additional vapor barrier, and add to the insulating needs of an upper garage storage space and studio I am creating. I have a radiant gas heater in the room, and I can already see how the combination will work really well.
Dave Davenport: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I did a lot of research on the net: I am a retired electro-mechanical engineer. I know what I wanted to do, but did not know exactly how to achieve it; until I contacted Insulation4less. The sales person on the phone was really nice, and very knowledgeable about my re-roof project. I am not a roofer; this was a project with a few friends; and a weekend. The old, (I know before 1900) house's tin roofing was removed revealing open purlins. The "double bubble" (He actually purchased Prodex insulation was tacked loosely draped just prior to installing each sheet of new tin. It was inexpensive (per r-value), easy, and fast to install. It really smoothed out the old warped wood, giving it a very nice appearance. After being installed in August of 04, in east Ohio, I noticed an immediate drop of several degrees upstairs. This winter it is really warmer without the gas bill going up at all, compared to last year. The old attic already had about 19-12 inches of cellulose, which I had blown in about 1980, so I really had time to experience the difference between old and new. I really believe this product has paid for itself already....
Marty Costello: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I just purchased a 700' roll of Prodex FfmF to supplement attic insulation and reduce condensation. I have purchased Prodex previously for a basement. I have to say it worked way better than I expected so I thought I would try it elsewhere.
Susanee Galica: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We purchased Prodex Total Insulation for our Quanset hut. It went ups so easily. Cut easily. No problem. It was heaven sent.
Jonathan Eaton: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
I have installed this insulation on the roof of my triple wide mobile home (2400 sq. ft.) over the shingle roof as suggested,and then installed a metal roof. For 2 days only the wrap was on the roof and I noticed the roof was cool to the touch and it was 101 degrees outside and full sun. Inside the difference was very well noticed. The AC runs much less then before and the home cools down a lot faster. The house stays cooler inside longer also. I had a bid for over $12,000 to do this roof in 2 in. foam and metal. This insulation will pay for itself in no time. By doing it myself in about 4 full days the cost was under $5,000. I saved enough to do my lake house also. The added bonus it is a tax write off olso (1500.00). I recommed this product to everyone. Thanks for a great product can't wait to try it on another application.
Turtle Tuff Survival Shelters: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
We provide Prodex with each of our domes for light weight, high R factor. It's portable rugged and easy to install on the frame
Tuff Shed: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
PRODEX has been a great building accessory for TUFF SHED. The product is easy to sell and install. And our customers love ProDex because it really does keep their sheds cooler on hot days. Plus the foil backing has the added benefit of making it brighter inside our buildings.
Helmuth Serjogins: Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hey there! I used your insulation to insulate my steel building which I bought from "SteelMaster" steel buildings. The building manufacturer recommended using fiberglass type insulation. I used your top of the line insulation because I knew here in Wisconsin condensation would be a problem during the winter months. I have radiant in-floor heat and keep it set at 45 degrees F. If the building was kept closed up, it probably would dry out (as it does on weekends), but I run a mobile tool business and the overhead door is opened at least twice a day, five days a week. Also add the moisture when the ice melts off the truck and you have a wet environment. If I had gone with the fiberglass insulation it would have "water-logged" in a short time, not to mention the smell of it. Your product allows the moisture to just run off and still retain product stability and form. Soooooooo..... contact the steel building companies and have them sell your product instead of the fiberglass stuff! Everybody will win, you can even use me for an endorsement!
De: Ernie York
Enviado el: jueves, 18 de junio de 2009 08:18 a.m.
Para: Sergio Luconi
Asunto: Information on my research!
Sergio: How are you? Hope all is well and I feel I am making progress! Several people that I talk with say a good number of water heaters are installed in the corner of a room and I wonder how much we loose, we we can only wrap 2/3rds of the tank! I realize that any blanket will face the same question! Any thoughts? I hope to have a plan soon as to how we can move volume! Please advise your thinking! Have a great week-end and I will plan to call you soon!
Ernie York
York Enterprising Systems
Phone: 305-463-8480
Fax: 305-888-0330
Para: David Saravia
Asunto: Nueva Certificación Internacional
Felicitaciones a todo el equipo de PRODEX por la obtención de tan meritoria certificación en gestión ambiental.
Es un verdadero honor contar con un proveedor con la certificación ISO 14001!!!
Saludos cordiales,
David Saravia
De: Oscar Duran Chinchilla [mailto:faraongoldint@hotmail.com]
Enviado el: lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009 03:20 p.m.
Para: fabrizio prodex
Oscar Duran Chinchilla
Gerente General
Faraon Gold Internacional S. A.
* Miembros del C.F.I.A de C.R. - CC – 05228
TELF: 592 - 5115 / FAX: 592 - 5028
CEL: 381 - 2922
E-MAIL: techoscr@yahoo.com
Cartago, Mayo del 2009.
Por este medio hago constar que se ha instalado aislante térmico Prodex
con magníficos resultados.
A manera de comentario les recomiendo que a la hora de instalar el aislante
soliciten referencias de quien se lo va a instalar, y que esta sea una persona
con experiencia, así se evitarán muchos problemas.
1) S.A.F.I. S.A., Ing. Leonardo Espinoza.
Área : 1.100m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
2) Inversiones Terraforte, Ing. Felix Hernandez.
Área : 320m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
3) Colegio Humbolth, Ing. Oscar Camacho
Área : 6.000m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
4) Interbolsa, Sr. Francisco Guillen.
Área : 15.000m2 . Prodex AP 5mm
5) Holcom Industrial, Sr. Luis Fdo. Ugalde.
Área : 3.000m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
6) Tico Electronics, Sr. Marin Mileta.
Área : 5.000m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
7) I.C.A.F.E., Sr. Leonardo Sanchez.
Área : 627m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
8) Iglesia Ciudad Neilly, Sr. Hugo Zamora.
Área : 1.000m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
9) Banacol, Ing. Marco Ulate
Área : 820m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
10) Ing. Alex Madrigal
Área : 1.400m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
11) Grupo Numar. Coto 47, Arq. Karina Saman.
Área : 1.100m2 . Prodex AP 5mm.
Cualquier consulta comunicarse a nuestros números telefónicos.
Se despide.
Rafael Gerardo Solano S.
Gerente General.
Escuintla, Guatemala January 20, 2,009
To whom it may concern:
Amanco has distributed reflective insulation of PRODEX Company for several years and has proven to be a product that meets all expectations of comfort that it offers.
Our customers are satisfied with the price, the various forms of installation and versatility of the product in addition we have received technical and commercial support for all products handled PRODEX Company. The product has leave us with attractive commercially rates of contribution and a steady growth in the market.
Paulo Tres
General Manager
Tegucigalpa M.D.C, January 23th, 2009.
These are our answers for your questions:
1. Retail stores: 3 (Tegucigalpa)
2 (Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula).
2. We have been selling Termoflex since Termoflex since 03/19/07, this date was the first day it was put for sale.
3. Our utility margin is 35% over cost.
4. Ir is hard to determine a percentage of growth due to the fact that we only had the product for 9 months in the year 2007, and the compelte year of 2008, bur relatively, we can say that in 2008 the sales in units grew 40% approsimately.
If you have any questions please let us know.
Best regards,
Alfredo Campos
Larach & Cia
Guatemala, January 15, 2009.
To whom it may concern:
Amanco is an industrial company leader in Latin America in production and marketing of (PVC, PE, PP) pipes systems, plastic fittings and accessories for the transportation of fluids, especially water, and others such as electricity and gas. We focus on residential and commercial construction markets and irrigation systems.
We have three business divisions: tubosistemas, Geosistemas and Construsistemas. We are present in 29 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, through an extensive networks of over 50 000 outlets. In our Northern Central America region we manage a portfolio of more than 4 800 clients.
Construsistemas is the division that embrace the commercialization of the insulation products and PRODEX, as our commercial partner, supplies this variety of products.
Amanco has been working reflective insulation with the PRODEX Company for about five years with over 120 sales distributors in Guatemala, Honduras y El Salvador.
In these five years we have achieved an extraordinary brand positioning a 31% with a very attractive profitability for our company.
We recommend the PRODEX Company as a commercial partner for the distribution of reflective insulation products in others retails stores due the support that this company offert in all the commercial and technical aspects.
Best regards.
Arq, David Saravia
General Manager
Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras.
Supplier performance Scoring.
Rating Period : September 01, 2008 to August 31st, 2009.
Your score for this period 93%
The four categories of performance being evaluated are listed below with a brief explanation of how they are scored.
1) Quality performance accounts for 50% of the total score. Quality performance is quantified by dividing the number of accepted lost by the total number of lots recived then multiplying by 100.
10 receipts, 9 accepted.
(9/10 x 100) = 90.
2) Delivery Performance accounts for 20% of the total score. On time delivery is defined as up to 3 days early and 3 days late. Average deliveries that fall into range will be awarded 100 points. Acceptable delivery will be defined as up to 5 days early and 5 days late.
Suppliers whose average delivery falls out of the acceptable range will be awarded 0 points.
3) Pricing Policies will account for 20% of the total score. The rating for price will be somewhat subjective depending on what material the supplier is providing to MedTech.
Whenerver possible, the PPV and competitive quotes will be used to evaluate a supplier on their price competitiveness and ability to hold pricing.
4) Responsiveness will account for 10% of the total score. Responsiveness is a subjetive judgment based on the collective opinions of purchasing, manufacturing, engineering and control. Some factors include: length of time required to respond to complaints, schelduling changes, request for quotes etc. the score given will be between 0-10, with 10 being the best score, and equanting to excellent responsiveness.
The final rating will be calculated as follows:
.5 (quality) + .2 (deliver) + .2 (price) + .1 (response) = Total score.
Scores below 70 will be considered unacceptable and a corrective action response will be required within 30 days of receipt of thes evaluation. Suppliers whose performance is considered to be unacceptable for multiple periods without appropriers response to corrective action will be disqualified.
Country: The United States
Distributor: Insulation 4 Less
Client’s name: David W.
Project: Schlossadler Wines, Inc.
Division: Total Insulation
April 22, 2008
Dear Insulation4Less,
My name is David; I am the Warehouse Manager for Schlossadler Wines, Inc. We are an international boutique wine distributor with a 9.300sq. feet warehouse in Oceanside, CA. Approximately one moth ago the owner of the company (my boss), came to me with the task of researching, ordering, and installing insulation for the ceiling of the entire building by myself. With limited experience in this particular area under my belt, I accepted the project anyway. I honestly didn’t even know where to start.
I sent detailed photos along with our information and questions to your sales team. They replied promptly with very easy instructions and recommendations as to ¨what type¨ and ¨how much¨ product should be ordered to complete our mission. Now, one month and about 200 hours later, my boss is extremely happy, our stock is cool, and I’ve received a very generous bonus!!
Thanks Insulation4Less, I will definitely spread around the words: ¨foil-foam-foil¨.
David W.
Warehouse Manager
Schlossadler Wines,
Oceanside, CA.
Jueves, 07 de Agosto de 2008 09:31 a.m.
Para: Leonardo Sanchez
Buenos días Leonardo, envio respuesta cuestionario, si gusta puedes ir al proyecto a tomar fotos sin ningún problema
1)Una instalación fácil y rápida, además de su función el producto da un buen acabado y estéticamente se acomoda a las necesidades del proyecto.
2)Recomendaría su utilización por ser un producto de buena calidad, fácil de instalar y cumple con las normas establecidas para su uso (termoacustico).
TELEFONO: 2232-0123
Fax: 2220-2263
CORREO ELECTRONICO: afernandez@himalayacr.com
Indispensable para lograr el crecimiento que se han propuesto.
Que estén bien!
Coordinadora de Mercadeo Centroamérica
Un extraordinario testimonio:
I have installed this insulation on the roof of my triple wide mobile
home (2400 sq. ft.) over the shingle roof as suggested,and then
installed a metal roof. For 2 days only the wrap was on the roof and I
noticed the roof was cool to the touch and it was 101 degrees outside
and full sun. Inside the difference was very well noticed. The AC runs
much less then before and the home cools down a lot faster. The house
stays cooler inside longer also. I had a bid for over $12,000 to do this
roof in 2 in. foam and metal. This insulation will pay for itself in no
time. By doing it myself in about 4 full days the cost was under $5,000.
I saved enough to do my lake house also. The added bonus it is a tax
write off olso (1500.00). I recommed this product to everyone. Thanks
for a great product can't wait to try it on another application.
Jonathan Eaton
Arlington, Texas
Felicidades amigos, es grato saber que representamos a una empresa líder y con deseos de mejorar continuamente.
Esto nos motiva para seguir promoviendo un producto de alta calidad, en Honduras tenemos mucha fe en este producto y seguramente llegaremos a mejores resultados.
Nuevamente los felicito por su excelente trabajo.
Saludos sinceros
Luis Eduardo Chavez
Rooftec / Amatek
Amanco Tubosistemas Honduras, S.A.
PBX (504) 545-2400 ext 125
FAX (504) 545-2421
CEL (504) 3391 2533
ALK Industrias.
Como diseñadores y constructores es de primordial importancia el proporcionar soluciones acertadas a nustros clientes, por lo que contar con una solución de aislamiento probado como es el aislamiento térmico PRODEX, se vuelve una fortaleza.
Acabamos de realizar dos proyectos totalmente diferentes pero con una misma solución práctica, el primero es una bodega para maquila de sacos para fertilizantes y el segundo es una residencia vacacional en la playa, en ambos se utilizó la opción de PRODEX 3mm de espesor y brindó las solución esperada con reducciones palpables de temperatura.
Las excelentes características combinadas con un apoyo técnico oportuno lo hacen un producto y una solución muy confiable.
Arlette de Lindo
Gerente de ventas proyectos
ALK Industrias.
Los principales beneficios que se requirieron fue el confort térmico que es lo que se buscaba en el proyecto, sin dejar a un lado la estética del producto , economía (independientemente del gasto nos economiza la instalacion de un cielo falso), y un poco de reducción de la acústica.
Principalmente por el confort que ofrece, la versatilidad de instalación, durabilidad y economía.
Arq. Alejandro Jimenez Ceballos
Cel: 50297563
Country: El Salvador
Distributor: AMANCO
Client’s name: Arquitect Rodrigo Ernesto Conde
Project: Sento, Luxury Spa and Salon
Division: Total Insulation
¨It’s been definitely a great change as far as reduction of rain noise, and heat. I do recommend the product due to the positive impact in the area characteristics¨.
Country: El Salvador
Distributor: AMANCO
Client’s name: INDELPIN S.A.
Project: Warehouse instalment
Division: Total Insulation
¨We have obtained great heat insulation, due to its high quality¨
Country: Costa Rica
Distributor: ABONOS AGRO
Client’s name: El Guadalupano
Central Hardware Store, (Yandel Vargas)
Project: Distribution
Division: Total Insulation
¨We have used it even in our own business with a very good result, it has replaced glass fibre wool, and I haven’t had any complaints. I manage an important stock, and people come and ask for the brand name product which is well positioned in the market¨
Country: Costa Rica
Distributor: ABONOS AGRO
Client’s name: EL GARABITO FERRETERO, (German Rodríguez)
Project: Distribution
Division: Total Insulation
¨Prodex came to innovate the market in replacement of glass fibre, it was a total change. I’m now handling an important stock to increase the company dividends and also have product available for immediate delivery¨.
Country: Guatemala
Distributor: AMANCO
Client’s name: Archquitect Oscar Villalta
Project: Family Despensa ¨La Comunidad¨
Division: Total Insulation
¨Climate comfort, temperature reduction on finished CUBIERTAS and noise reduction ¨
Original sender's name: Francisco
Original sender's address: francisco.soto@prodexcr.com
El Jefe de Porcina Virginia Zamora ( Pedro Ortiz Ruiz ) expreso su satisfacción, con respecto al Aislante térmico Prodex utilizado en una de sus galeras de maternidad, complacido con el confort que reciben las cerdas en esta etapa tan importante de producción, además se siente muy complacido con el trato que le dio la empresa ya que solicito el material con 4 días de anticipación por una emergencia que se le presento.
To whom it may concern:
By this means we are aware that the company Amanco has distributed reflective insulation of the PRODEX Company for several years and has proven to be a product that meets all comfort expectations that it offers. Our customers are satisfied with: the price, the various forms of installation, the versatility of the product, in addition we have receive technical and commercial support for all products handled by the PRODEX Company. The product has leave us with attractive commercially rates of contribution and a steady growth in the market.
And for those concerned to use this letter as appropriate, extend the sixteen of the month of January two thousand nine.
Att:Grethel Ortega de Arriaza.
Gerente de compras
Distribuidora del Atlántico S.A.
Dear Sirs.
We’re a company located in Vilallonga (Tarragona) SPAIN, our company name is Ravago Products ( belongs to the holding Ravago Group in Belgium). We’re dedicated to the distribution of finished products in construction (mainly insulation and waterproofing products), and we’ve around 35 regional retailing shops in Spain and we’re Prodex distributors in Spain since year 2002.
Because of the strategic alliance between both companies, now Prodex is a very well known trademark in Spanish market, and our sales are growing more than 30% every year with a very attractive benefit margin for our company.
In this difficult moments for worldwide economy, is for us a pleasure to recommend really quality products and suppliers that can help our companies in growing every year.
Jose Miguel Valera
Ravago Products sales manager.
Cochez y Cia S.a. was founded in 1920, with premise and firm conviction of doing things always right, until growing and becoming the leader commerce company of construction, hardware stores and finishing materials in Panama.
Committed with the development of the construction field in our country, Cochez is the leader in supplying construction materials and finishing materials for different projects around the entire country. Thanks to our commercial sales team and highly dedicated providers like PRODEX, we have reached great achievements through our costumer`s satisfaction, obtaining the coverage of the total area in order to operate in our country in the residential, commercial and industrial fields.
Panama es a country with high temperatures; characterized by its warm weather. PRODEX Thermal insulation has totally changed the Panamanian construction market, offering our clients confort in their building all year round. PRODEX has currently successfully satisfied a nedd, without affecting the health status of the people who install it, nor the users. The constant sale of this material is the result of the quality thah PRODEX adds to every single products.
We currently have more than 12 point of sale in the country, having the presence of our material in order to continue to cover the insulation needs of every single projet. We have been covering from the smallest to the largest construction and remodeling projects en Panama, with the impressive results of low temperatures. It es also very important to point that thanks to the support that the business has had with this material, and the customized service, our commercial relation has been strengthen for more than 6 year.
Dwe certainly recommend the distribution of PRODEX Thermal insulation dor cold and hor weathers.
Arturo Cochez
Cochez y Cia S.A
To who it may concern
Dear Sirs:
Firts we wish to send a warms greeting from our company unidos Mayoreo S.A, and at the same time communicate that we are a Hardware wholesaler in Costa Rica established in 1937. We have three stores in the country and have sold the brand PRODEX for 6 years in the country.
Part of our alliance with this supplier has been because of a superb position of the brand in the market and also a 30% growth yearly with outstanding revenue.
Our main customers have emphasized in the quality and safety of the product and agree to take it into account on every when installed, the support provided by Unidos Mayoreo S.A and the manufacturer to the final client.
We hope the consideration and analysis of the insulating material PRODEX will be positive.
Best Regards.
Javier Velásquez S.
General Manager.
Unidos Mayoreo S.A
Country: Costa Rica
Distributor: GUAYATICA, S.A.
Client’s name: Ing. Randall Vargas Valverde
Division: Prodex Packaging
¨8 years ago, the production and commercialization of Taiwanesse Guava had a lot of problems with POST COSECHA. The transporting and handling of the fruit generated a lot of losses. Thanks to the use of PRODEX net we reduced the post sale losses on a 30%, and had an increase of 40% in our sales towards new countries
¨Prodex has come to satisfy the need of packing not only with Taiwanese guava but also with many other fruits that are commercialized in our country. With an excellent customer service, their innovation is going to make Prodex the best option in this field at a Latin-American level. Due to all those reasons and more, I recommend the use of Prodex products¨.